• 09 3789462

  • office@hernebayponsonbyphysio.co.nz


We have a wide range of skills and our own special interests. When appropriate, we work together for the benefit of the patient to assist in their recovery, maintenance and prevention of symptoms for the best outcome. Constant updating our skills and knowledge offers improved care for our patients. We have onsite physio, acupuncture, massage and pilates training as well as exercise rehab to ensure your full recovery.

We value

The individual & cultural differences; treating each individual with care and respect in an environment of professionalism and integrity.

The enjoyment & satisfaction of our work

Helping patients recover & achieve their goals.

A warm, welcoming, friendly environment

Phone: 09 3789462

Hours: Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm

Saturday: 9am –12pm

Public Holidays: by appointment

Address: 179A Ponsonby Road and

120 Beaumont Street, Wynyard Quarter

© Copyright 2022. Herne Bay Physiotherapy. All rights reserved.